Monday, October 20, 2008

I hope you answered "being respected" and chances are, many of you did. So why do most people work harder at being liked than they do at earning respect?

Like the word "Leader", respect is not something that you are entitled to because of position, title or authority. It is something that you earn. If you have ever had to remind someone that you are in charge; if you have ever had to resort to using the words, "Because I said so" with your kids, or if you have ever wondered why you staff just isn't listening to you, you need to take a step back and ask yourself what you have done to earn their respect.

Think about those people in your life who you respect. They are probably people who you know pretty well. They have opened their authentic selves up to you; shared their beliefs, their values, and their true personalities. And then they have lived accordingly. They have made decisions based upon what they believed was right - instead of what may have been popular. They have been true to themselves and have never attempted to act like someone else or play another part. They have continuously performed up to and surpassed high standards and then set the bar even higher. They have earned your respect over time, displaying consistency in who they are, what they believe and their strong performance.

An authentic leader knows that respect is critical to the ability to effectively lead others. Be authentic and hold fast to your decisions that may not be popular, but are best for the team and company. You will be much better able to influence others and outcomes by diligently earning the respect of others.

Source: Lead Star newsletter, October 2008