Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Become a Mentor

It's National Mentoring Month - learn more at www.mentoring.org, or:

Thank Your Mentor Day - January 22, 2009 marks the fifth annual "Thank Your Mentor Day™," which many mentoring programs selected as a day of volunteer recognition.

Become a Big Brother or Big Sister - Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana develops mentors committed to helping boys and girls grow into the next generation of caring, confident and competent adults.
When: Thursday, January 22, 5:30-7pm
Where: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana, 2960 N. Meridian St.
RSVP: To Molly by Jan. 21 at molly@indyhub.org

Element of Effective Practice - latest in quality mentoring research, policies and practices.

The Art of Mentoring (BNet.com webcast) - A mentor takes on many roles, including teacher, counselor, leader and manager. Carew International CEO Jeff Seeley discusses how to mentor someone effectively.